Plastics: Your Gateway to a Beautiful Home and Garden

Tips to Recycle More of the Plastics You Use
  • Bottles in the Bin – in addition to milk jugs and beverage bottles, remember to recycle plastic bottles from salad dressing and oil; food jars from peanut butter and mayonnaise; and bottles from shampoos, laundry detergents, and household cleaners. And don’t forget non-pesticide spray bottles used in your garden.
  • Bag It! – You can recycle plastic bags at many major grocery store chains. Remember to include your grocery and retail bags, newspaper bags, dry cleaning bags, and wraps from bread, bathroom tissue, paper towels, beverage cases, clean plastic garden sheeting, diapers, baby wipes and more.
  • Containers, Cups and Lids – More and more communities are recycling plastic containers in addition to bottles. Check your community’s website or your local grocer to see if they collect yogurt cups, butter tubs, deli containers, lids, flower pots and other plastics.

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